Chhatrasangram at Kolkata Book Fair
Chhatrasangram at Kolkata Book Fair

The Students' Federation of India, West Bengal State Committee's organ Chhatrasangram had participated and made a stall in the 40th Kolkata International Book Fair. The stall was a big success with a footfall crossing several thousands and always crowded by students and alumni. The corridor infront of the bookstall was the seat of songs and adda throughout the week. On the 6th students' staged a protest demonstration against casteism demanding justice for Rohit Vemula.

The stall was inaugerated by Anindita Sarbadhikari, director and a brave single mother. It was open from the 28th January to 7th February. The collection apart from Chhatrasangram's own publications  included many classical as well as recent critical and incisive political texts both Indian and from across the world. This year marks the golden jubilee of Chhatrasangram. Two new booklets were published during the bookfair, one on the different demands of the students movement and the other on social issues facing women. They are a part of a series that will be released throughout the year.

8th February, 2016