Students Take Burdwan University By Storm : VC Refuses To Meet SFI Delegation
SFI Burdwan District Committee had organized a demonstration in Rajbati (administrative building of the Burdwan University) on 28th August 2014 to place forward different education issues and submit a deputation. Thousands of students across the district thronged the roads of Burdwan to march into the Rajbati from the Burdwan Railway Station. There were hundreds of girl students in the march along with school students and technical students, apart from the students of different colleges affiliated to the BU.
SFI demanded that transparent and accurate results be published at the proper time. The results of 3rd year undergraduate courses (UG) have been published 4 months after the examination. However, the results are full of mistakes. There are a number of discrepancies between the mark-sheets and the published result. Apart from creating confusion, this has deterred many students from getting admitted to postgraduate (PG) courses. The results of B.A. 3rd year General courses are still yet to be published. Even before the examinations, the admit cards were printed in low-quality papers, and were full of printing mistakes. Lots of hand-written admit cards were given to the examinees at the last moment. The university is looking more and more reluctant to deal with this disorder and resolve the issue.
SFI District Committee had further pointed in the deputation copy that ignoring the fees structure set up by the university, different colleges are taking different registration fees. The fees for admission into Honours courses are also varying between different colleges. There has been a substantial hike in the fees structure of the self-financing courses, which has landed the students in disarray. SFI demanded that these issues be redressed by the university administration.
Further, keeping pace with most of the colleges of our state, the colleges affiliated to this university has also experienced unharnessed extortion by the TMCP hooligans in the name of admission. Merit has not been taken into account, and admission process has literally been transformed into an auction process. Further, with college gates being kept wide open for politically-backed external hooligans (TMCP leaders), the safety for the girl-students has been largely hampered even within the college premises. Eve-teasing, harassment has been a daily problem. A 3rd year B.Tech.girl student of UIT who was physically abused, went to thePrincipal wiith heer father to lodge a complaint, who turned deaf ears and even accused her of iinappropriate conduct that had provoked the harrassment.She too was present at the gathering.
However, the Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof. SmritikumarSarkar merely showed his apathy and made his political intentions clear by refusing to meet the SFI delegation or accept the deputation copy. Apart from leaders of the district committee, President of SFI West Bengal State Committee Com. MadhujaSenroy and Joint Secretary of the SFI Central Executive Committee Com. ShatarupGhosh also led the demonstration after being cordoned off by police from entering the administrative building.
While speaking at the demonstration, ShatarupGhosh, the Joint Secretary of the SFI reminded the administration that if it continues to foster the dark forces, they will turn out to be a Frankenstein. In the dark days of the seventies, a ChhatraParishad (CP) worker had been murdered in afaction-fight in the chamber of the VC himself. He further said, that while the Education Minister ParthaChatterjee, himself the Secretary-General of Trinamool Congress can meet the SFI delegation and accept their deputation, then how can the VC refuse to do so.
SFI State President MadhujaSenroy challenged that while VC was adamant enough not to meet the SFI delegation, the students for whom he is a VC now would ensure that he would meet the delegation the next time around. She added that our state is now experiencing a new brand of ‘Professors’ who in the disguise of their noble profession, are acting as agents of the ruling party, and all of their actions are being guided by vested political interests of the Trinamool Congress to please their MADAM. She further said that the SFI leadership would meet the Higher Education Minister to place our demands, and the movement of the students would get even more intense to fight this situation and win over our rights.